Sunday, March 22, 2009


In the late 1990's I was sitting watching the Tony Awards and highlighted was this show done by contemporay play write Jonathon Larson. There on stage was the ensemble cast singin Seasons of Love and I was in love. For years after this experience I talked about the show Rent and how I wanted to see it. I did not know the story line I did not know what it was completely about. I just heard the song, knew the playwright died before seeing his show on braodway and the show was controversial. Scan forward to June 1999, my thirty birthday and my suprise birthday present. My sister knowing how I love surprises and working in NYC took me to NYC. I did not know what we were doing or where we were going but off to the city we went. First, to dinner at a wonderful italian restaurant, and then I remember walking. Not knowing where we going just walking. As I had been living in Arizona for a year, I will admit I was being a tourist looking around and taking the big bad city in (yes I was a tourist) we walked past this street and I saw the RENT billboard wondered if that was wear we were going. But knowing Kiersten knew the city did not say anything, well after finally hitting Grand Central station we held a taxi and went right where I thought we were going. Yes the taxi pulled up in front of the Broadway theatre where RENT was playing. This is the night my official love affair of this show started. I loved the music, the story line and the stage. It was the first show I had been that allowed the audience to have an imagination and really feel a part of the show. The band on the stage rather then in the pit. Here on stage was simply scaffolding ,tables and oil drums. From this Jonathon Larsen created a whole neighborhood in the alphabet city area on NYC. Here Mark, Roger, Thomas, joanne, mimi, Maureen and Angel created their own family and we the audience are allowed to see a brief time of their lives, for two hours a year of the life of these friends flys by for the audience. Granted the playwright did this with the characters living the alternative lifestyle and drug use. But if one can get past the bluntness and the lifestyles the music, cast will lead you on a journey of love, life, family and friends. After my thirtieth birthday I bought the soundtrack and listened to it till I knew every song in the musical. I also talked about the show and the trip to NYC to see it. I have been able to see the show at least two more times since that night and every time I see something different and my experience is different. Scan forward 10 years to my fortieth birthday. When I learned to my city would be the original actors who played Mark and Roger. I was so excited and was going to go. But when the time came to order the tickets with my Arizona Family I did not have the money for the deposit. We order group tickets early and just had paid for tickets for the lion king. So I planned to go to the theatre and see if there were tickets available the night of the show. However, on Thursday February 26, 2009 I got a call from Jacque (AZ family) stating that I could not make plans on March 21, 2009. My mind starting going because the date sounded familiar and I knew it was around her birthday. So I thought it was something with her birthday as my mind went crazy trying to figure it out. She told me it was my birthday present and did I want to know what it was. Well since I love surprises I said no. But then I guessed and said you got me a ticket to RENT. So last night I got to sit orchestra middle row mid seat and watch Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal reprise their roles as Mark and Roger, with the rest of the ensemble. The audience were all obviously full Rent fans as they were totally invovled in the performance and knew what was coming prior to the scene starting. You could hear the collective excitement as Angel came on stage for the first time or the cheering for Adam and Anthony the first time they showed on stage. Both experiences will be etched in my mind my thirtieth for starting and completely making me fall in love with this show and the fortieth for seeing the original cast members and just being. In both experiences I felt so loved because not only was it something I wanted but also surprises. Which was something others might not love but I do. So to those who will read this and were invovled with the experiences words cannot express my gratitude and joy I felt while experiences this show. To those who were not invovled but will read this go hug someone you love and remember every day could be our last so make sure you let those you love know IT~!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So in the 1970's by default and the men in my family. I will admit I was a Dallas Cowboys fan. I mean come on who could not be with Tom Landry as coach and Roger Staubuck as the QB. It truly was Americas team. But since I have grown up and gotten some taste LOL. Actually just since the 1980's I have adopted and become a hard core fan of the NY Giants. Which to the male adults in my family is sacrilege as they are all Philadelphia Eagles fans (growing up and/or currently living in Philly). But what I did not know is slowly I have actually converted my Father and Grandfather to the dark side and they are both now routing for my NY Giants in the superbowl. Oh and of course my sister is also. My passion I cannot say when it started I can say the first true team I remember is the one with Phil Sims and Lawrence Taylor(the only LT ever in the NFL, for those who are San Diego fans your LT small potatoes). I remember watching the last few seconds of the superbowl wind down holding my breath as the kicker from the Buffalo Bills kicked the possible winning field goal and MISSED. Having my team win, I remember loosing to the Minnesota Vikings in the playoffs... and the ravens in the superbowl. But what I will truly remember no matter how old I am. Is the day I truly became an ELI MANNING fan. This would be Superbowl 42 in Phoenix, Arizona (my home town) where Eli and Michael Strahan with the rest of the team led the NY Giants (underdogs) to a win over the undefeated New England Patriots. For two weeks I listened to the sports casters dog my giants. I sat in a room with Boomer Eaisain (sp) while he predicted his score for the superbowl with the Giants of course loosing. But in the end and much to my surprise I might add the Giants came out on top. I could not BELIEVE IT... i was up blogging, listening the sports shows till late at night letting it sink in. My friend had to hug me and move me from staring at the trunk of the car because I could not believe what I had just seen. And then to top it off I loved listening to all the sports casters and sports experts back track trying to reverse EVERYTHING stated the weeks before. Then to come back this year listening to how the experts did not think we could do it again. UM HELLO 1st seed, home field advantage possible playoff in the MEADOWLANDS... I would say we did it we showed that not only could we beat the team who was undefeated but come back and excell in a season where the casters did not even talk about us in the beginning. So no matter what happens from this point on (of course they will win) I am proud to be a GIANT fan and to be behind a team who comes out every week to play the game. :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Grinch and Charlie Brown

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The air is crisp and we as believers are reminded what we believe. The true meaning of Christmas the baby lying in the manager. Not all the noise noise noise (to quote my favorite christmas character). During the Christmas season there are two cartoons I wait for and watch. It is not Christmas without Charlie Brown and the Grinch. To me both these shows teach the true meaning of Christmas. Charlie Brown reminds us of the baby lying in the manager, the shepards who watch over their flocks that special night. This story also reminds us to remember the little things, even an ugly tree can be made beautiful when it feels loved. And the Grinch reminds us that Christmas is not about the presents, boxes, bows or even the roast beast. It is about our hearts, how we are to put people and family first, no matter whether toys, boxes, whether individuals recieve what they desired in the way of things. What is important is the fact we celebrate the joy and love Christ brought to us and show us during HIS life. This is why I love these two shows. It also is because Santa is not the focal point of the story but the meaning behind Christmas. So even though Christmas is gone , remember "as long as we have hands to clasp Christmas is always in our grasp. "

Christmas Day

For those who know me. I love my family. However, my family has a sick and twisted sense of humor. Some might say a little sarcastic but definetely twisted. This came out on Christmas Morning with my conversation with my father. We were chatting about what we were going to eat for Christmas dinner. I was having fish with friends. Dad and Judy were having free range chicken with friends. Now with most families the conversation would just end there. However, being my father and having his sense of humor. He continued with the statement he was going out to the field to pick a chicken. Now having grown up with stories from my Great Grandmother, grandparents and grandmother on what occurs with chickens when you cut the heads off. I could not let this statement go. So i responded with make sure you stay away from the blood while it runs around. The conversation continued for a few minutes. As we ended I made sure to point out my to my father he would need to make sure he got a chicken for four people (as they were having friends) . He stated how did he know this would feed four. Not to be out done I told him ask for help of course, like a Christmas tree lot I am sure they range will have people to assist him on picking a chicken which would feed all four individuals. Dad then called back for another reason and not to be out done I of course asked if he was back from the range already. This is just one example of how crazy my family can be.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

World Series

As most know I am a dihard Yankees fan. I have been to the stadium grew up in the shadow of the trade centers (okay you had to climb up to the top of the hill of my street to see the city) but still you could see it. What most do not realize is I was born in Philli and my family is all from Philly. So tonight as the Philadelphia Phillies entered the 9th inning of the world series I did what every good sport loving granddaughter does. I picked up the phone and watched the game with my 90 year diehard philly Fan Grandfather. As the team began the inning I chatted away. Checking to see if my Dad-Dad was on the other end (my phone tends to drop calls in my house) at one time he said Yeah just listening to you :) He would call the game. Oh there is a strike two outs. And at the end of the game as his beloved Phillies won the game. He said okay now that over going to bed :) But I will always remember watching the game with my Dad-dad as the Phillies became the world series champs for 2008. BTW I continued to call my sister, mom and Dad because we are all adopted Philly fans. (I think mom and dad have been closet ones for years since they still have the accent from growing up in Philly)

So The Philli Phanatic what is it? Who knows but what I do know is I have the phanatic fever. All growing up everyone was a Yankees or Mets fan. I however, although a Yankees fan. Love the Philly Phanatic, this happens to be my most favorite mascot. There is just something about this image and this individual that makes me smile. Maybe it is because we really do not know what he or she is. But this mascot is out there every Phillies game being crazy, riding the little car and getting the crowd crazy. Anyone who has every watched a Phillies game has seen this mascot and needs to smile. This mascot brings back memories of my family watching games, having thanksgiving dinner. To most a mascot comes with a team for me this mascot comes with family and memories. This mascot makes me smile.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Social Networks

Many years ago I signed up for myspace. This social network online to get in touch with friends. This is supposed to be a user friendly system, the main reason I signed up for this service was for the sole purpose of seeing what the kids were doing. At the time I was working with the youth group at the church and wanted to keep in touch with the kids. But I rarely used it because I found it quite hard. Then facebook came along, this wonderful new system easy to use and games to play. The next thing I knew I was re-meeting old friends from high school and many individuals from the church. Here on this site it was easier to play games have fun and keep in touch with my friends. With many different alerts and other items available. But the real fun began when my younger sister FINALLY got onto facebook. Like all siblings when I mentioned the system she poo pooed it and said I DON'T think so but within the next year her best friend signed up convinced her to sign up and the next thing I knew I was re-meeting individuals I had not spoken to in 18-20 years. Friends from my old college and youth group. Individuals I had not heard from but had prayed for and thought of a million times over the year. Now I canot wait to sign on and see who has found me next. The boy I first kissed, my first crush or the closest friends from college. My college roommate ... who knows but what I do know is for a social network it has become some thing I truly enjoy.